Friday, March 5, 2010

Blade Runner

Blade Runner was very similar to R.U.R in a sense because the Robots in both pieces of work were identical to humans. No one could distinguish the two and eventually in both works the Robots revolted. They developed over time and eventually out smarted the humans. Frankenstein relates to Blade Runner because a human is pursuing a created being. Victor Frankenstein is chasing down his creature to destroy it and the same scenario occurred in Blade Runner as well. Harrison Ford wasn't the creator but he was chasing down the Robots with the objective to kill them all. And in all three of these works, the created being is physically stronger than the humans, but except for Blade Runner, the creatures tend to destroy the humans. The Robots in R.U.R. wipe out the human race. The creature in Frankenstein destroys Victor Frankenstein's life. But in Blade Runner, Harrison Ford is spared. The last Robot standing, Roy Baty, has the opportunity to kill Ford on multiple occasions, but instead he toys around with him and then eventually decides not to kill him. Baty talks about living in fear, and having other people's memories in his head. Baty knows these aren't his memories, but they feel so real. As Baty decides to spare Ford you see the Robots as fellow humans. Baty has saved a humans life and chosen to sympathize and try to have Ford understand his pains, just has the creature in Frankenstein did, only Baty was successful.

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